We had a full weekend. But Kolton always keeps us on our toes, so that's not exactly breaking news!
What is breaking news you ask?!
Friday, I got a massage! For Mother's Day Brandon got me a gift card for a hour and a half massage and I got to cash it in! It was amazing and I think I need one once a month! HA! Also, Brandon and I enjoyed 3 wonderful kid free hours out! We love our Date Nights! I think Kolt enjoyed it to because he had the full attention of three great girls! Later that night the neighborhood girls left the cutest messages on our sidewalk!

My parents came to Lubbock for a very productive Saturday! My mom and I were successful in finding the most amazing wedding dress ever! It is nothing short of spectacular! We also hand made wedding invites! They are beautiful, unique and took 9 hours, so I hope everyone thinks they are the best invites they have ever received! HA!

Brandon, Kolton and my dad worked extremely hard on projects around the house. I know Brandon appreciated the help! Thanks Dad!
Now it is Sunday and also Flag Day. Our flag is representative of our independence and our unity as a nation. As Americans, we have every right to be proud of our culture, our nation, and our flag. So raise the flag today and every day with pride! Happy Flag Day!!

We hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!
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