Me... that's who! I don't know what happened. Here's what I did:
I seasoned the chicken with salt and pepper and placed it in a casserole dish.
In a bowl I mixed buttermilk, a little hot sauce and cayenne.
I poured the mixture over the chicken, covered it and left it in the fridge for about 2 hours.
Into a large paper bag I mixed flour, cayenne, garlic powder, paprika, and salt and pepper.
I put the chicken in the bag and shook it until it was completely covered.
I then cooked the chicken in the deep fryer at 350 degrees.
Then it BURNED! Not the chicken but the outer crust. The outside would brown and look really yummy, but the chicken would be completely raw.
So... now I am frustrated. We sat at the table, ate our potatoes and green beans and picked at our chicken. It was a little sad.
Brandon gave it a try.... 3 times! He was much more patient. It then became a funny experiment. We stared at the deep fryer for over 45 minutes. We tried cooking at all different temperatures. Nothing worked. NOTHING! We just can't win with the chicken.
What the heck did we do wrong? How do you fry your chicken?
I give up.
KFC, here we come!!!
* I didn't take any pictures. It wasn't pretty. *As Kolt would say, "Geeeeeezzzz!"