2009 was the year...
that my beautiful and amazing son turned one. Who knew that Brandon and I could be parents... good ones at that!? We have worked very hard this year to do the best that we can do as parents. I still think that there should be a step by step manual or something! It's the hardest thing I have ever done.... and I have loved every single minute of it! March 26, 2009 we celebrated Kolt's 1st birthday. (I am already planning his 2nd birthday! hehe)
that we took Kolton to Disney World for the first time! It really is the happiest place on earth! He loved it and I can't wait to take him again! Thanks Mom and Dad for going with us and all the help!!
that Brandon and I realized what's important in life. We realized how much we loved each other and how much we have grown together. We also realized how much we care about the other and we are constantly working to help better ourselves and better each other! We have become each other's best support system and biggest fan! It's an amazing feeling to know that you finally have that person!! I have the person that I have always dreamed of! August 28, 2009 was the date that Brandon and I married on the beach of Ocho Rios, Jamaica. We confessed our love and commitment in front of our favorite people! It was beautiful.
that the Swine Flu craze began! Ooops... I mean H1N1. I remember when the reports came out in April... it was nuts! The infection quickly spread throughout the world. We have done our best to not overreact. Although, we have purchased lots and lots of anti-bacterial soap!!
that we elected Barack Obama as president. Whatever your political affiliation, no one can dispute that Barack Obama made history when he took the oath of office on January 20, 2009.
the economy remained weak, with rising unemployment, a depressed real-estate market, the near collapse of the domestic automobile industry and the scary decline of the dollar. YIKES! 2010 has to be better!
that Kolt has changed from a baby to a boy. He is a boy... all boy! He likes his cars, trucks, balls and animals. He has all of his teeth... yay for no more teething! He is starting to talk... and talks a lot! He knows what he wants and he can express it to you. He has a huge personality and is very funny! He keeps us on our toes and always laughing! He is everything we could ever want in a son and so much more! We love him more and more and more and more every day!
I could type so much more... but Kolt's about to wake up from nap and I still need a shower!! So that's all I am going to say about 2009! Bring on 2010!
We don't get out much on NYE. We enjoy spending time together at the house. Then Brandon and I will go out another night and celebrate it together. We have done this the past 3 years. It's nice to not worry about the crazy drunks or wait in line forever at the restaurants! Here is a little bit from our evening at home.
Brandon surprised me with flowers! Very sweet! He also told me that we will be getting the bedroom furniture that we have been wanting! Exciting!

Brandon and Kolt worked hard boxing up the Christmas decorations. I enjoyed the decorations, but was excited to box them up and have our house back to normal!

I made lasagna for dinner. I think my favorite time of the day might be sitting at the dinner table talking to my two favorite guys! Also, Kolton has come a long way with his fork. He doesn't spill nearly as much!!

Before I went to bed I made pigs in the blanket for our breakfast. They were great!

2010 is the year to do something different, step out of your box and do something that you desire and are passionate about! I will post my New Years Resolutions soon! What are you planning on doing in 2010?

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