He is the perfect father. I couldn't ask for a better father for our son. He goes above and beyond. He adores Kolt and Kolt adores him. The love, adoration, and tenderness in his eyes when he looks at Kolton makes my day!
He supports me in anything and everything that I do. He encourages me to be a better me.
He gives me "Me" time. After he works ALL day long he comes home and tells me to "get out of the house for a little bit".
He believes the best about people. He never jumps to conclusions, he gives people a second (third, fourth, fifth) chance, he forgives quickly, he actively refrains from "reading into" other people's motives and encourages me to do the same.
He is a hard worker, not only at his job but in our home. The areas that I struggle to keep up he pulls up the slack with out saying a word and never complains.
When I am sick he takes care of me. He tells me to lay in bed and watch tv! He brings me soup, sprite and medicine, shuts the door, takes care of Kolton and lets me rest!
He is committed to me being a Stay at Home Mom. I would hate if he insisted on me working and missing out on all of the precious moments. Instead, he understands the importance for both Kolt and I and works incredibly hard to make it possible.
He carries pictures of Kolton and notes that I write him in his truck.
He loves me unconditionally!
And... I have to brag. Look at what he surprised me with yesterday! He said, "You deserve to have the best on your wedding day!" I can't wait to marry this man!!

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