What denomination:
Well, we are both Baptist so I would love to find a great Baptist Church, but I would not be opposed to Non- Denominational or Inter-Denominational Churches.
What type of Ministries and Programs are we looking for:
We want a to find a church that has programs that Kolton will like to be involved in when he gets older. I want to find a church that Brandon and I can connect with other families and make new friends. Also, I want church to be an up-beat and fun experience... not something that puts me to sleep!
Do we prefer small or large churches:
I would like to find something in between. I have gone to both and I feel lost in a big church. There are cliques and I think it is harder to become close and form relationships with people. I feel that smaller churches can provide a more intimate and close knit environment.
What type of attire would we want to wear:
I have been to churches that I can wear jeans and a t shirt and I have been to churches were everyone is dressed to impress. I am a fan of going comfortably. Brandon and I both had childhood stories of dressy churches and how catty the kiddos can be. I think it is more important to go to church for God not for what brand your shoes you are wearing.
We also discussed the power of prayer. I am a strong believer of prayer and pray all the time. I pray when I wake up, before I go to bed, before I have photo shoot, if I see a wreck or ambulance, when I watch the news.... all the time! I want Kolton to do the same. When he was a baby I would lay him down for the night and I would recite the same prayer that my grandmother would recite to me. I think it is important to teach Kolton that he can talk to God whenever he wants to. Prayers are not based on eloquence, we can talk to God using any words or phrases we want to!
Jesus taught, "…I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you" (Matthew 17:20).
God most definitely listens to prayers, answers prayers, and moves in response to prayers. I know he does, look at my beautiful family he has blessed me with!
Here is the proof that God is good:

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