I AM...a proud wife and a mommy! (and it keeps me very busy!)
I WANT...to win the lottery. Aww, wishful thinking!! I would invest money for a rainy day, our retirement and Kolt's college. I would buy our family and close friends new homes and vehicles. I would buy a home big enough to have a large family! I would travel the world.
I HAVE...so many blessings!! I thank God every day and night for my wonderful husband and son, our home and our health. Life is good! May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. Psalm 67:2-3
I KEEP... gift bags! If you have given us a gift in a gift bag more then likely I have the bag in the garage and I will use it again!!
I WISH I COULD...have a few more hours in the day. Sometimes when the day is over I have not accomplished anything! (The joys of having a toddler!!)
I FEAR...something bad happening to my family. I don't know what I would do with out them!!! They are my everything!
I HEAR...the football game on tv! I love lazy Saturday afternoons!
I DON'T THINK...I will ever be good at dieting. No matter how hard I try, I still like to eat! I did okay with weight watchers, but it only lasted a few months.
I REGRET...NOTHING!! Let your eyes look directly ahead And let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you. Proverbs 4:25
I LOVE...reality tv! I am obsessed with it. You name it and I love it. (Real Houswives, Celebrity Rehab, Flipping Out, Intervention, Hell's Kitchen, Real World, Bad Girl's Club, The Bachlor, The Bachelorette, The Girls Next Door, Tori and Dean...) I could go on forever. SAD!
I AM NOT... a good shopper. I know, it's weird. For some reason I just don't like to do it!
I DANCE...all the time with Kolt.
I SING...kid songs. Yeah, I never thought that would happen! I even catch myself singing the ABCs in the shower. WOW! When did this happen?
I NEVER... want to stop having fun!
I CRY WHEN I WATCH... cheesy romance movies!
I AM NOT ALWAYS... organized! Although, I try real hard! I can organize a closet and one week later it's a cluttered mess again.
I HATE THAT....our world is a little scary. Sometimes I watch the news in disbelief....
I'M CONFUSED ABOUT... people. I will leave it at that!!
I NEED...a new washing machine and dryer.... mine is on it's last leg!!
I SHOULD...be doing exactly what I am doing... relaxing! Kolt is with Grammy and Papa and I am enjoying the quiet!!!

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