Okay, before I start my complaining I do have to brag a little... He has decided that at 18months old he is to big for his highchair! This morning I made breakfast and sat him at the dinner table. Well, he was right!! Look at how great he did! He even blew on his food to cool it off and used his fork. What a smart boy!!
Here are a few pictures... look how independent he has become! (*He really ate everything on his plate!! My kiddo likes to eat!!)

Okay... Now on to the complaining!!
Here is a little bit of what I have been going through lately...
Yesterday, I pulled out left over tortilla soup and placed it on the cabinet to heat up when ever Kolt gives me a free second. I go to the bathroom to start his morning bath and out of no where I hear a cry and a continuous "Uh-Oh, Uh-Oh, Uh-Oh". I ignored it because he says "Uh-Oh" at least 100 times a day! I take one step out of the bathroom and see my one year old covered from head to toe with tortilla soup. Then, I look down and see the RED soup all over my entire hall way and walls. I don't even think I said a word, just looked at him in shock. He then proceeds to walk up to me and hand me the bowl that the RED soup was in! My first thought was, the in-laws are coming in two days and I can't have RED carpet!!! Still, I do not say a word, just grab Kolt and clean him off, grab the carpet cleaner and a towell and go to work. (I actually thought about taking a picture, but decided that I didn't want to see a mess like this again!) In the middle of my frustrating cleaning Kolton decides that he is starving and is trying to open he fridge and saying "MMMMMM......" over and over and over! I stick him in his highchair and give him a hand full of pop corn. (I know... BAD MOM!) So, I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel and the hallway is looking almost normal again. I get Kolt out of his highchair and then continue to finish cleaning. Now he wants a brownie and is pointing and throwing a temper-tantrum. I look at him and say in a frusterated voice.... "SAY PLEASE!!" (He has never said please before) He walks up to me looks right in my eyes and said in the sweetest voice, "Pllleeeasssseee!" In the midst of my frustration, I have to admit that that was adorable! Of course he got the brownie! So the hall way is clean, he got a brownie and everyone is happy again.
Next, he decided to climb to the top of the rocking chair. (He stands on the actual top of the rocking chair and holds on to the wall..... very scary!!) I tell him no, spank him and put him on the floor, he does it again and we repeat the process about 3 times. Well, on the 3rd time he sees me coming and grabs my candle arrangement, throws it into the kitchen and it shatters. I did not say a word. I picked up all the glass, vacuumed and mopped the floor and went on with the crazy day we were having!
Is this the terrible twos that I hear so much about?!?
I keep telling myself:
The days are long, but the years are short.
It's a surreal thing to watch your baby grow up. One day he was a little bitty baby that depended on his Mommy for EVERYTHING. Then, in the blink of an eye he is throwing footballs, saying words and exercising his little will! Kolton is turning into a boy and before I know it he will be going to school, playing sports and bringing home girls! Oh My!
Even when my days feel long I know that I have been blessed far beyond what I could have ever imagined!!!

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