I remember everything thing about this day! My nerves were shot. I was scared, excited and nervous at the same time. I remember wondering what he would look like, what color hair would he have, what color eyes would he have, would I feel natural holding him, will he know that I am his Mommy and the list goes on and on.
I remember all the wonderful and supportive family members that we had pacing in the waiting room. I remember having great company. Too many cameras in my face, but great company!
I remember holding the railing of the hospital bed as tight as I could when the contractions started. I kept telling myself that I was strong and could handle them. I remember soon after begging for an epidural and being told it would be about 45 more minutes before the Dr. could get to me! I remember telling Brandon, "Those birthing classes were so wrong!!!" I remember having Brandon and my Mom by my side with scared eyes but encouraging words. I remember pushing. I remember the Dr saying, "Oh my gosh, this baby has so much hair! I can't believe how much hair he has!!" I remember saying at 2:00, "I will have this baby by 3:30!!!) I remember being surprised that Brandon cut the cord because for days he had been saying, "I am going to let the Dr. cut the cord! I don't want to mess anything up!" I remember holding my beautiful angel in my arms for the very first time! I remember being a proud Mom. I fell in love instantly. I remember the way his hair smelled sweet like chocolate and his skin was smooth and soft.
Kolton Scott Christie
March 26, 2008
born at 3:32 pm
8.4 lbs
20 in
It feels like yesterday and forever ago all at the same time.

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