One week you are the spokeswoman for the conservative movement and the next minute you are a total hypocrite!
She should have answered her question by saying, "All I want is world peace!" I bet if she had said that none of this nonsense would be happening!! But since she is not the brightest crayon in the box we are having to see her everywhere on her "I am a victim" tour! She went on and on and on on the Today Show about how everyone is out to get her!! Way to go Carrie, pick up those sympathy votes!! Take a chill pill Miss opposite marriage and go make another video or something!!
And while I am at it…
Where are Levi Johnston’s parents? This poor kid is out of control.
Jon and Kate… Please quit being selfish, media crazed, trash talking people and become parents! You do have 8 precious children depending on you. So sad! I have officially boycotted anything and everything Gosslin. I refuse to watch this train wreck anymore!

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