Kolt will grow out of clothing and shoes in ONE month! That's crazy expensive! Kolt also has every toy you could imagine. You know what he wants to play with? Pots and Pans, spoons, tearing the DVDs out of the entertainment center and throwing them on the ground one by one, my hair brush, the remote control and REAL phones! (I have bought every fake phone known to man and none of them will do)
Sleep is a precious thing of the past.
"Sleep when the baby sleeps" is NOT true! When Kolt sleeps I am cooking, cleaning house or having "ME" time!!
We are a TEAM!
Kolton has brought Brandon and I even closer. We have a deeper commitment and love towards each other. We are a TEAM and I can't imagine this journey with out him by my side!
Running while screaming is fun!
Next time you are at a playground stop and listen. All the kids are just running aimlessly and screaming! To me it translates to the idea that sometimes you need to let it all go and run around and scream a little bit. Try it one day with your kid, neighbor, niece/nephew or friend's kid. You will forget all of your problems for a little bit!! It really will make you laugh and feel better!!
Sometimes Non-Parents don't understand...
I lost a few friends when that stick said "Positive"! Sometimes people don't understand how time consuming and stressful parenthood is or the joy that comes from it. But... I know that the friends that I have are the best girls in the world!!
You are being watched!!
No matter what time of the day it is Kolton is watching me. Being under this supervision is a little taxing!! You will find no bad behavior here... My kiddo might see me!!
I watch the news religiously and look at world events in terms of how they will affect my son.
Funding for education matters a whole lot more to me now. Every missing or suffering child on the news breaks my heart and makes me hold Kolt that much tighter. I would have never imagined 3 years ago worrying about global warming, the federal deficit, health care or the ongoing quest for peace!
Messy house...
A toddler can make a house dirty before you can count to three!! Vacuuming once a day can't even begin to keep up with all the crumbs on the floor.
You will always have entertainment as a mom.... Just not the kind of entertainment you use to have! Kolt comes up with the funniest things that crack me up daily.
Before you have a baby you don't realize how much you can love someone. The love I have for Kolt is indescribable. He melts my heart. I thank God for choosing Brandon and I to be Kolton's Mommy and Daddy!!!

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