It's football season.... this means that Brandon's work hours have changed and he is busy busy! It also means that Kolt gets to wear his very cute football jerseys!!
We spent a few days in San Antonio. (pics coming soon) Brandon had meetings to attend so Kolt and I tagged along. We had a blast! San Antonio is a beautiful city!
Kolton has 18 teeth! He has been teething non stop!! Poor little guy! As silly as it sounds, I am not really sure how many teeth he will get. I need to google it!
I have booked 5 clients in the past two days and I can't wait to meet everyone and take pictures!
I have been editing my wedding pics for what seems like forever! I have finally taken a break from it. I will be making an album soon and I can't wait!
Kolton is growing like a weed! I know I brag about him all the time, but I just can't help it!! His new trick is when he wants something, he looks at me, smiles and tilts his head to the side! It is so cute it just about kills me!!!
I have been cooking like crazy! I don't know when or how it happened, but I love cooking! For dinner tonight I have a Roast in the crock pot, twice baked potatoes ready to go in the oven, Rosemary seasoned Mushrooms and for desert home made cinnamon rolls! YUM!
My new goal is organization! I always try and it lasts about 1 month.... maybe this time it will work!!!
Summer is gone and Fall is here! This means that Kolt and I will not get to play outside as much... Kolton will not be happy about this and it makes days much harder for me!!!
Brandon and I had date night on Saturday! We had a great time! I look forward to our date night all week!
We got Kolt's Halloween costume! He looks great in it and it fits his personality!!! I will post Halloween pics when it gets closer.
We are about to start Potty Training! I know Kolt is just about ready. Wish us luck!!! (We have no idea what we are doing!!!)
It's hard for me to post a blog with out posting pics! Here are a few fun pictres from Jamaica.... It was beautiful and we can't wait to get back some day!

Hmmm.... I think that's about it for now! We hope everyone has a great week!

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