Instead, this year I told Brandon that all I wanted was to spend the day gambling and playing slots in Hobbs! Simple and Fun!
...And boy did I get that! Brandon was so thoughtful to surprise me and invite my entire family! (Normally I know about surprises but he really did surprise me!!) As I was playing a slot I turned around to see my Mom, Dad, Granddad, Aunt Deb, Uncle Shane, Uncle Larry and my great grandparents! WOW! What a fun birthday surprise!! We had a great time playing slots and gambling on the horse races! We finished the evening at Chili's with dinner, cake, presents and great company!
I am so happy that I have such a fun family to spend my birthday with! Thank you all for taking the time to spend the day with me! It meant the world and I had a fantastic time!! I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life!
Where was Kolton???
He was spending the day with a babysitter! They were busy eating pizza, playing in the sand box, reading books, drinking organic juice and he showed her where his Mommy and Daddy keep the candy stash!! I know he had a great time because when we got home he had a great big smile on his face, showed off a little bit, hugged the sitter and waved Bye Bye!
So much has happened this year and I have learned so much!
*I married my True Love! He is a great husband and Dad! I am very proud of him!
*I have laughed and laughed and laughed!
*I have taken tons of pictures.... (Mostly of my son!)
*I have met new people and made lots of great new friends.
*I have learned a little bit more about navigating through this crazy journey called parenthood! It's hard but so much fun!
*I have learned to keep God very close to me! It really is a blessing to have God on your side! He pushes me when I think I could just about give up!
*I am starting to see the beauty in things that 2 years ago I wouldn't have even noticed!
*I can cook.... and I am pretty good at it!
*I love a good cup of coffee in the morning! (Sometimes 4 or 5!)
*I will do ANYTHING for my son!
*Always trust your gut.... It's always right!
*Being a Stay at Home Mom is a NEVER ending job!!!
*I HATE laundry! I would rather clean the entire house then do one load of laundry!
*Fear of failure is a ticket to mediocrity.
*Grudges are poison...
*Store brand jelly, bread, shaving cream, canned goods, etc are great! (and save you a little bit of money!!)
*I enjoy hanging out at the house with my husband and son more then anything else!!
*Pursue your passion!
*My family is and will always be my number one priority!

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