Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Life between Go Go Diego and Nirvana

I have really been getting into work out videos lately. Yes, I am still trying to lose the baby weight. It's not easy. Kolt actually enjoys the work out videos, he laughs at me and dances to the music! Let me tell you, it's pretty funny.

I decided that yoga would be great. I also had the bright idea that Kolt would enjoy doing it with me. I got dressed, pulled out my mat and popped in the video. Sounds relaxing, right?

As soon as I closed my eyes and started to center myself Kolt was in my lap honking my nose. (He looks at you real sweet, pulls your nose real hard and screams "HONK HONK"!) As I moved on to the "Standing forward Bend" I see out of the corner of my eye Kolt running full speed ahead to push me over!

Focus, focus, focus. Yeah right. The Dalai Lama himself couldn’t focus in this room.

So much for trying out meditation!


  1. My website has a variety of easy meditations that you might like better, including tuning into nature, a simple breath meditation and exercises for running healing energy. I enjoyed your blog.

  2. Thanks Curt... let me know the site!

  3. This makes me laugh!! I feel the same way with Laney!!

  4. It was really hysterical! I am happy I am not the only one this happens to!!
