Friday, January 29, 2010

It's still snowing....

And when the weather changes.... Kolton's wild streak comes out!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The view from here...

Today was an example of West Texas weather at its finest! Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny, 65 degree day. Last night we fell asleep to the sound of soft rain. This morning we woke up to rain slamming into our window and gusty wind. This afternoon we experienced rain, hail, wind and thunder. Now I am watching the snow fall like crazy! What's next? Lubbock weather is so unpredictable. As the old saying goes, "Don't like the weather in West Texas.... Just wait a minute!"

Pure Cuteness

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My baby is so GQ!

Check him out...

I think he is loving the new hair. Every time he looks in the mirror he smiles and grins and makes cute faces at himself. Boy oh boy am I going to be in trouble in a few years.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Its big boy hair-cut time!

Yes, it's that time. We put it off and put it off until today! It's so weird... he looks so much older! I have to admit, I love it! I love the spiky hair... he looks so cool! Also, I want to thank our wonderful hairdresser. Tracy at Unique Hair Design is wonderful. She was great with my little one year old. If you have never taken a one year old to get a hair cut, it's not easy. It's very very hard.

He fell asleep the second he got into the car!

He couldn't even finish his candy... that never happens!

I will post more "hair-cut" pictures soon!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Who can't fry chicken?

Me... that's who! I don't know what happened. Here's what I did:

I seasoned the chicken with salt and pepper and placed it in a casserole dish.

In a bowl I mixed buttermilk, a little hot sauce and cayenne.

I poured the mixture over the chicken, covered it and left it in the fridge for about 2 hours.

Into a large paper bag I mixed flour, cayenne, garlic powder, paprika, and salt and pepper.

I put the chicken in the bag and shook it until it was completely covered.

I then cooked the chicken in the deep fryer at 350 degrees.

Then it BURNED! Not the chicken but the outer crust. The outside would brown and look really yummy, but the chicken would be completely raw.

So... now I am frustrated. We sat at the table, ate our potatoes and green beans and picked at our chicken. It was a little sad.

Brandon gave it a try.... 3 times! He was much more patient. It then became a funny experiment. We stared at the deep fryer for over 45 minutes. We tried cooking at all different temperatures. Nothing worked. NOTHING! We just can't win with the chicken.

What the heck did we do wrong? How do you fry your chicken?

I give up. KFC, here we come!!!

* I didn't take any pictures. It wasn't pretty. *
As Kolt would say, "Geeeeeezzzz!"

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I love PhotoShop!

I play on PS every single day. I swear, I am always learning something new! I just love it! I have been going through old pics and re-editing, trying new actions and doing things a little different.

This picture jumped out at me.

This was Kolton's 1st time to play in the rain. Look at those big blue eyes. Don't you just wish you could see life through the eyes of a child? I wish I could! Kolton see's the world as a beautiful and perfect place. He takes the time to play in the mud, look at the birds and explore new places. He does no worry about tomorrow, he only lives for today. He is a great teacher.

Today, try to view the world through a child's eyes.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I love these guys!

The LOVE of a family is one of life's greatest blessings...

I am one lucky Wife and Mommy! Thanks guys!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I want to book one more session

for January 30th in Midland/Odessa. Let me know ASAP if you are interested. You can leave me a message on the BLOG or shoot me an email (

I am excited about that weekend. I have a fun bridal session, a Valentine session and a sibling session. I have a million ideas rolling around in my head, should be a great weekend!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Please pray for Haiti

I can't imagine what the people in Haiti are going through right now. All day today as I put a diaper on Kolt or fed him... My heart broke for the Mom's that lost their children. I thought about all the Mom's in Haiti who are looking at their babies and not knowing where they will sleep, what they will eat or if they will have water. My heart is so tender for those Mom's.

Please PRAY for Haiti.

***Pictures from***

Wordless Wednesday- Nap Time!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

An open letter to Dr. Pepper

Dear Dr. Pepper,

How are you? It has been one long week without you.

I stared at you when I passed your isle at Walmart. Twice.

You got me through college, newborn sleepless nights and hectic days.

Such a wonderful and comforting flavor.

I miss you.

Love you and miss you sincerely,

*I am proud to say that I have given up Dr. Pepper. But... I will admit, I cheat about one a week and have one. One can't hurt that bad!*

Fun at the park and our dream home

Today Brandon came home on his lunch break to take Kolt and I to the park. He is the best! We had a great time... here are a few pics of my very very active toddler.

Also, we have found our dream home!! It is perfect... Four bedroom, two bath, two car garage and the biggest back yard I have ever seen! It has a big covered patio (perfect for a hot tub), pool, a garden (I have been really wanting a garden), a large storage shed/workshop, RV parking (maybe one day we will have that RV) and it even has a wonderful building in the back that is wired with electric and is insulated with central air and heat that would be the PERFECT studio! Did I mention that I love the neighborhood?

Check out what could be turned into a fabulous's massive!

I neeeeed it!!!

And... there is still tons and tons of extra room in the back yard! Kolt could have the biggest play set ever!

Well, it is not our home...We have not put an offer in or even thought about putting our home on the market. Although, we have fallen in love!