Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to take cute kiddo pics

Tip 1: Take pictures according to there schedule. Think about when they are in the best mood and the happiest. Don't try to take there pic right before nap/bed time or meal time. And... bribing them with candy and treats always works for me!! (Find a treat that does not stain clothes or mouth. Twizzlers work for my son!)

Tip 2: Use props. Kids seem to be more relaxed with something in there hands. My son likes props because it's something new to play with.

Tip 3: If your kiddos don't want to take a pic, don't force them. There's no point in everyone being stressed out for no reason! And if you try, more then likely you are going to be disappointed with your pictures.

Tip 4: Be silly, make faces, make funny sounds, jump up and down... do anything to get that sweet little smile. I do it all the time!

Tip 5: Don't tell them to say "cheese" or any other silly phrase. You don't want a picture with them saying something, it doesn't look natural. A natural image of your kiddo not smiling is a lot better then a fake cheesy smile.

Tip 6: Get down. I am always sitting or laying on the floor with my son while taking pics. It's a much more flattering angle then just simply pointing your camera down. Also, don't be afraid to get up close and personal! I like taking pics of his little hands and feet too!

Tip 7: I like everyday moments. (putting sprinkles on a cookie, coloring a picture, playing with trucks) They don't always have to be posed and smiling.

Tip 8: Take a lot of pictures. In this day and age of digital cameras, there’s really no reason not to.

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